For the longest time, when I was working, I would want a nice terrace garden with lots of flowers. Invariably the plants got neglected in the mad rush to get everything else done. Now that I have the time, I decided to grow some plants and in the process discovered the pleasure of picking fresh herbs from your garden.
Right now I have mint, curry leaves, green chillies ( have only got 2 chilies so far), tulsi, carom leaves, turmeric leaves; besides the flowering and ornamental plants. My attempts at growing basil ( a favourite herb) have failed dismally. Haven't given up though and hope to succeed with my next lot.
It has been trial and error and I would say I'm still a novice but some of the things I learnt so far include
1. Not all plants need to be watered everyday. Check the soil and water if it seems dry.
2. An effective pesticide for aphids (small white dots) is basil. Boil 2 cups of water and add 1/2 cup of basil leaves. Allow to steep overnight. Drain and add 1/2 tsp of liquid detergent. Spray on affected areas of the plant.
3. Used tea leaves, water that has been used to wash rice and dal act as effective fertilisers.
4. Need a bushy plant, keep removing the tips of the branches.
5. Carom leaves and mint are very easy to grow - use stem propagation.
Am in the process of trying out neem powder as a pesticide and an organic fertilizer. Results in the next post.